Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"Been invited to come up to the White Mountains on the 11th of June 2014 to go LIVE on the Radio to share my song and story"
7:00 - 9:00 am


"I was asked to bring up my acoustic guitar and perform this song LIVE on the RADIO.  You can listen in to the 2 hour Broadcast by clicking on this link below"

I know this song is touching the lives of many military men and women throughout the WORLD.  I have had some great comments from Mom's and Dad's on how this song has touched their hearts. I am hoping that by doing these types of broadcasts that others will listen and feel of the love that it was inspired by.  It is dedicated to my my Son Jared Michael Hutzler who enlisted in the United States Army.  During that basic training time for him is where the inspiration came (in the middle of the night) so bad I could not sleep,,so,,,I got up and proceeded to write the words and music. Then I proceed to mix my video (and paid tribute to the hundreds) of SUPPORTING PARENTS AND LOVED ONES  with still pics for the song and uploaded it to You-Tube.
I made myself a GOAL... 5,000 views by the 4th of JULY.  Please help support me in this goal. I know that those serving our COUNTRY will feel of the Love that we all have for them through this Music and VIDEO.
I am so thankful that this Station 96.5 the STORM has given me the chance to perform it live in STUDIO...  Please mark your CALENDARS and please listen in. "Never give up on your dreams"-Dave Hutzler